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An Invitation to a Change in Perspective

Writer's picture: wendyfermatawendyfermata



I called him saucy from the moment I first saw him,                                                            as if he were lauding it over his mate--                                                                                      a touch of arrogance                                                                                                       a sense of knowing best                                                            a surety in stance…

I saw her staring fixedly straight ahead,                                                                               her demeaner almost submissive--                                                                                 a sense of resignation                                                               of what is is…

I laughed at my “arrogant” bird, every time I passed by,                                                        loving him and yet chastising him for his attitude;                                                                             

and I stroked the other gently with sadness that she seemed so cowed,                                 not free to choose for herself.

But today, as I sit in awareness of God’s presence,                                                               I see him looking up to You                                                                  with an expectancy on his face and in his stance --                                                               an openness to hear                                                                    a desire to respond to what he hears…

And now she seems stoically stuck,                                                                                  less willing to be open--                     to the possibility of change                                                                            of taking a risk                                                                                to leave the security of this place…

And I marvel how a change in my perspective,                                                                  even the fact that I am seeing from a different place ,                                         can change what I see…

And I wonder how often I do that—                                                                                      take one look,                                                                                             make a judgement,                                                             declare my judgment accurate;                                                  and every time I pass by,                                                                             see through the eyes of that first judgment.                                                                                     

Unless I am willing to look from a different place,                                                                    to see the person through God’s eyes,                                                I may miss what is really true about that person…                                         his fears                                                                                                 his longings                 his willingness to say “yes” to possibility;                                                      and how another may be stuck, not our of submission to someone else,                              but out of her own unwillingness to be open to                                                        her fears, her longings,                       and then be willing to say “yes” to possibility…

Please, GOD, help me to pause before judging—                                                               to be open to the beauty of each person                                                   to see the gift of who each is                                                              to You and thus to me…

Help me to see with Your eyes.    


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